Wednesday, April 23, 2008

This one's for the fans

I’m not a blogger. I don’t think. This piece of writing is actually an attempt to escape the pending online drills I have to do for Spanish. Honestly, I love Spanish, but I HATE online drills.
This is also my response to a certain friend’s request (and I’m not naming names, but his name starts with an “F” and ends in “orrest.”) that I write a blog. A “stream of consciousness,” if you will. So I Wikipediaed “stream of consciousness” just to make sure I could competently follow instructions. So, here it goes.

I Wikipedia everything, way more than is healthy or helpful. I just get so distracted from whatever it is I’m doing at the time that I once I’ve discovered the Wikipedia page for something, I’m lost for at least 15 minutes, reading about something I probably never needed to know. I’m sure my energies could be spent elsewhere in a much more beneficial manner, but Wikipedia is just something I’m drawn to. And it’s not even a legitimate source of information! Alas and alack, to say the least.

I got some free chap stick today at lunch, and briefly considered what it would be like to use free chap stick as a biological weapon. Really, there are few people out there in the world, particularly the United States, who would turn down a free... anything. And with chap stick, all a terrorist organization would have to do is get someone(s) with a terrible case of herpes to use each stick once before sending them out to the unsuspecting multitudes. Then, when a ferocious herpes outbreak occurs nation wide and our minds and medical insurance companies are preoccupied, the terrorists strike! I’m not convinced that this will actually happen, but I suppose there’s always a small possibility.

I’m about to go to J&B for the first time in about a week and a half. Is it silly to be excited about that? I am. Excited, that is, and probably silly too. First I have to do my online drills.

Other quick thoughts:
A third grade girl tried to copy my hairstyle today. Does this mean my hair looks like a nine-year-old’s?
I really hate my apartment complex. I really love my roommates.
Sometimes I just get tired of living.
I miss my old dog, Suzy.
I miss other things, too.
As of late, Dario Marianelli has been making an impression on me. Check him out.

That's enough for now, and likely more than enough forever. Pleased, nameless friend?


  1. "Sometimes I just get tired of living."
    Jennifer, don't do it.

    Well, I'm going to add you and Maggie's blogs to my blog role count.

  2. Good to know I'm on the role count,I should get one of those.

    I'm with you on the online drills.

    You should not make me do a word verification to post this comment...

    Nice 'stream of consciousness'...keep it up.
