So a couple of weekends ago, we went to Paris. Yeah, you know, Paris. No biggie.
Actually, it was my second time to experience the amazing beauty that is Paris, and I'm pleased to say that it captured my heart all over again, just as it did the first time. This time, though, was so different from my first visit. Nothing can ever replace or measure up to one's first experience with this city, to be sure, and so it would be a lie to say that this trip was better than the first. This trip was different, though. Last time I was in a huge school group with guided tours and bus transportation everywhere. Don't get me wrong, I love guided tours, but there's something to be said for experiencing the sites of the city on your own terms. Instead of a huge group of wide-eyed, young high schoolers being carted around and chaperoned everywhere, this trip was a group of wide-eyed college students, old enough to be resourceful and explore the city without needing someone to shepherd us, yet still young and naive enough to be in awe of what we were doing and seeing.
My favorite difference between this trip and my first one, though, was being able to walk everywhere and just explore and experience the streets and people of Paris. Walking, taking it slower, savoring it all, was infinitely better than traveling everywhere by means of a tour bus.

Notre Dame, lit up in her nocturnal glory.
Maggie and I took turns posing in front of the French Senate building in the Gardens of Luxembourg. Government and gardens... the French know how to do it.

Gardens of Luxembourg. These are flags for all of the countries within the EU

Who is that? Oh, the Venus de Milo? Oh, right.

View of the Louvre's pyramid from one of the windows

The Opera House! It was absolutely incredible.
Anyone recognize this? On my last trip, we went to see it at night. It was little safer in the daytime.

We went to the Eiffel Tower on Saturday, our last night. It was fantastic.